Exquisite songwriter Jeffrey Foucault shot this video and put poem of mine, “Going Home,” originally published in The Southern Review, to music.
Jeffrey also recorded the audiobook of The River You Touch, with instrumental interludes between chapters.
Jeffrey Foucault
One of my heroes and favorite authors, Debra Magpie Earling, wrote about The River You Touch in a The New York Times piece called “Read Your Way Through Missoula.”
Debra Magpie Earling
It’s not every day (lifetime?) that Jim Harrison mentions one’s debut in The New York Times “By the Book” interview.
Jim Harrison
According to Erin Berger of Outside, one of “The Only Things You Should Read This Week,” back in late 2016, was Body of Water.
Erin Berger
It was fun to be highlighted, along with Charlie B’s, and to have my trout-holding hand pictured, in this Washington Post piece by Dina Mishev, “Missoula.”
Dina Mishev
Greg Brown
Life goal achieved wherein legendary musician Greg Brown laughs at a line of a poem of mine called “Lunar Calendar.”
The fine folks at We Are Tributaries made a sweet short film for Sage fly-rods called “The Town Float” featuring the Clark Fork and some of my musings on downtown trout and Missoula writers.
We Are Tributaries
The great Arts and Entertainment columnist Corey Walsh of The Missoulian wrote a wonderful feature on Ragged Anthem.
Corey Walsh
Perhaps only once in an epoch does an outdoor media mogul feature a piece on poetry—Josh Ziegler wrote a doozy on Ragged Anthem for The MeatEater.
Josh Ziegler
The Norwegian publication Oppstroms reviewed Body of Water; I’ve yet to translate this.
For the past few years, I’ve been serving as Editorial Director at Modern Huntsman, where I’m proud to have curated work by Rick Bass, Nickolas Butler, Peter Heller, Jillian Lukiwski (The Noisy Plume), and Amanda Monthei, among many others. Fredrick Stivers’ illustrations that often accompany my words are a writer’s dream.